Step-Up Exercise: How To Do It + Variations

Learn how to master step-ups as well as some variations to build a stronger lower body for your fitness goals!

Step-Up Exercise: How To Do It + Variations
7 min. read 1/4/2023, 5:42 PM

When it comes to strengthening and toning your lower body, there are a ton of exercises that you can add to your leg day routine. There are compound exercises such as squats, isolation exercises like leg extensions, and often-forgotten unilateral exercises such as step-ups!

The step-up is a single-leg exercise that involves stepping onto an elevated surface with one foot and then pressing through that leg to bring the opposite foot up. It’s a killer exercise for your legs, and you can make it even more challenging by adding weights!

In this article, we’ll go through the benefits of adding step-ups to your lower-body routine, how to perform a weighted step-up correctly, and some alternative exercises for step-ups to switch things up a little. So keep reading!

Why should you do step-ups?

If having sculpted legs is one of your fitness goals, step-ups are a great way to achieve what you want!

This exercise gives your quadriceps a full workout by hitting both your inner and outer quads, but most don't know that it's excellent at growing the glutes! Plus, it also targets the hamstrings, calves, and even your core to keep you balanced. They make your legs grow bigger and stronger by hitting all these major muscles throughout a wide range of motion.

Not only that, but the up-and-down movement one leg at a time helps develop and improve your balance and coordination since you need to have enough stability to be able to move swiftly without stumbling. If you add weights, the challenge will be greater both for your muscles and your stability!

All in all, step-ups are great for improving:

  • Lower-body strength
  • Balance and coordination
  • Leg muscle definition
  • Overall physical conditioning

How to perform weighted step-ups


While standard step-ups are great for lower-body muscle building, weighted step-ups are the true killers. Adding some weight to your workout will make it more challenging and thus more effective for your goals!

Here’s how to perform weighted step-ups correctly:

  1. Find an elevated surface

This exercise requires an elevated surface to work with, such as a Plyo box or a bench. If you decide to work with a box, make sure it’s secured to the floor or against a wall so you don’t end up slipping.

Also, make sure that the surface isn’t too high or too low! Ideally, when you place the leading foot on the surface, your knee should be bent at 90 degrees. Go too low and there won’t be much of a challenge; go too high and you’ll recruit additional muscles from your posterior chain instead of only focusing on your legs.

2. Choose your weight

While a pair of dumbbells is the most common choice, you can also perform weighted step-ups with a kettlebell in each hand, just one in front of your chest, or even a barbell! Additionally, if you want to increase the tension on your legs, you can wrap a resistance band around your thighs.

Whatever you choose, make sure that it’s the right weight or resistance level for you. Remember that this is also a balance exercise, so you don’t want to be stumbling or struggling to move up and down!

3. Get in the starting position

For dumbbell step-ups, stand straight in front of the bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. You can keep your hands down to the side of your thighs, palms facing in, or bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are in front of each shoulder, facing each other.

Keep your back straight and your shoulders down and back to make sure that you’re protecting your spine from any strain during the exercise. Remember, your legs should be doing all the hard work!

4. Perform the first rep

Begin by lifting your right leg and firmly placing your right foot on the bench. Then, engage your core and push through your right foot to bring your left leg up, extending your right knee as you go up.

Place your left foot on the bench, aligned with your right foot, and keep your balance. After a quick pause, take your left foot off the bench and drive it back down to the floor, reverting the movement. Once your left foot is on the floor, bring your right foot down. This is one repetition.

When you’re done with your first rep, continue alternating legs until you’ve completed your set!

Best step-up variations

Besides bodyweight step-ups and adding free weights or a resistance band to your workout, here are other step-up alternatives and variations that you can try to keep your workouts fun and fresh:

Step-ups with knee raise

This step-up variation involves driving your second leg all the way up instead of stopping at the bench. It’s a great way to improve your range of motion.

  1. Stand in front of the bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. You can add weights to this exercise.
  2. Begin by driving your right foot up and placing it on the bench, then push through it to bring your left foot up, extending your right knee in the process.
  3. Instead of placing your left foot on the bench, keep driving it up until your knee is bent at 90 degrees with your thigh parallel to the floor.
  4. Pause for a moment, then revert the movement by driving your left foot down to the floor, followed by your right foot.
  5. Continue alternating your feet on each rep.

Explosive step-ups

As the name suggests, this is an explosive variation that will help increase your power and speed. It’s particularly effective for those in explosive sports like sprinting and basketball.

  1. Stand in front of the bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight.
  2. Begin by driving your right foot up and placing it on the bench, then lean forward and explosively bring your left leg up as you extend your right knee.
  3. As your left foot goes past the bench, use the momentum to jump with your right leg on the bench as your left knee bends in front of you.
  4. Without skipping a beat, bring your left leg back to the floor followed by your right leg, and continue alternating your feet on each rep.

Lateral step-ups

This variation changes things up a little by having you step onto the bench laterally, hitting different muscles in the process.

  1. Stand with your right side next to the bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight.
  2. Begin by driving your right foot up and to the side, and place it on the bench, leaving enough space for your left foot.
  3. Press through your right foot to bring your left foot up, extending your right knee in the process. Place your left foot on the bench next to your right foot.
  4. Pause for a moment, then bring your left foot back down to the floor, followed by your right foot.
  5. Finish your reps and switch to the opposite side.

Aerobic step-ups

This step-up variation doubles as cardio because it focuses on speed, so make sure to leave your free weights aside for this one!

  1. Stand in front of the bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight.
  2. Begin by driving your right foot up and placing it on the bench, then quickly push through it to bring your left foot up while you extend your right knee.
  3. Place your left foot on the bench next to your right foot, then immediately step down with your left foot followed by your right foot.
  4. Keep alternating your feet without skipping a beat, focusing on keeping proper form while you move up and down as fast as you can.

Give step-ups a try for a stronger lower body

Your legs are crucial for many upper and lower-body exercises, so making them stronger will help you master those exercises and maximize your results! Whether you’re after a stronger body, a more sculpted physique, better athletic conditioning, or even weight loss, step-ups can help you achieve your goals!

Need more exercise ideas to build an effective lower-body routine?

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